Welcome from all the Friends of Saltwell Park
Friends of Saltwell Park is a community group made up of volunteers. Our vision is: Saltwell Park, thriving at the heart of the community, safe and secure as the People’s Park for future generations.
The Friends help protect and promote Saltwell Park for the benefit and enjoyment of the community. We work closely with Gateshead Council and liaise with other park users and local interest groups.
Saltwell Park is recognised as one of the best parks in England and has won the prestigious Green Flag Award on numerous occasions together with the Green Heritage Accreditation. This success is due to the dedication of Council maintenance staff and the work of the volunteers from Friends of Saltwell Park.

Come for an informal stroll in the park!
On Tuesday mornings (weather permitting) an informal group of us take a gentle stroll around Saltwell Park. We meet outside the front door of the Towers at 11:00 and usually walk until around 12:00.
After the walk some of us have coffee in the restaurant in Saltwell Towers or at Prism Coffee in the Almond Pavilion on the broad walk.
If you are free on Tuesday mornings why not come along and join us?

Support us by
becoming a Friend of Saltwell Park and help keep the park thriving for future generations
For details of our regular activities, upcoming events, and how you can become a friend, please browse through our website. We welcome new friends and always need more volunteers for light gardening, administration and to help with our events.
Please join us to help continue to make Saltwell Park a favourite recreational destination for local people and to have your say in its future.
Friends of Saltwell Park created the Apple Bee Community Orchard with the participation of the local community and local school children and are developing this space further to encourage nature and provide foraging for bees and other pollinators.
Saltwell Park
Park Watch
Report dog-fouling, littering, graffiti, motorbikes etc in the Park:
Phone 0191 4775000 (24 hr number)
Report low level criminal offences...broken glass, vandalism (anything not happening now):
Phone 101
If you feel threatened or harassed or see a fire or an incident:
Phone 999