Contact Us:
Friends of Saltwell Park
Use 'email Friends of Saltwell Park' button below to contact our committee members for all enquiries regarding our:
Events (organised by Friends of Saltwell Park)
Our projects
News items
Volunteering with us.
For all non-Friends of Saltwell Park contact details and useful telephone numbers, see further down this page.
General enquiries about Saltwell Park, or anything to do with the running or use of facilities in the park, must be directed to Gateshead Council and not via our 'email' button below.
General enquiries about Saltwell Park, Gateshead
Please contact Gateshead Council via their website if you have an enquiry about:
Opening times
Requests to hold events
Public amenities
Litter picking
Anything to do with the running or use of facilities in Saltwell Park
For general park information, visit their website:
or to send an enquiry to Gateshead Council click here
Getting to Saltwell Park
Saltwell Park, East Park Road, Gateshead NE9 5AX
For full details about getting to Saltwell Park, parking facilities and accessibility click here
The Park can be accessed by pedestrians from East Park Road, West Park Road, Saltwell Road South, Saltwell View and Joicey Road.
The car and coach park (use postcode NE8 4SF) are accessed from Durham Road (A167) via Joicey Road.
Go NorthEast bus services: Angel 21. Voltra Saltwell Park 53 / 54. Waggonway 28A or 29.
Please see their website for timetables, or call 0191 4205050 (09:00 - 17:00 Mon to Fri) for bus times and fare information.
Saltwell Park - Park Watch
Report dog-fouling, littering, graffiti, motorbikes etc in the Park:
Phone 0191 4775000 (24 hr number)
Report low level criminal offences...broken glass, vandalism (anything not happening right now):
Phone 101
If you feel threatened or harassed or see a fire or an incident:
Phone 999