Charlie Rogers - "Gateshead's very own Lowry"
More pictures will be added during the year
Our February 2024 event was a talk about relatively unknown local artist Charlie Rogers (1930-2020) who produced more than 100 paintings of Saltwell Park and lived a few minutes walk away in Westbourne Avenue. Brian Rankin, who gave the talk and is owner of Come View My Art Gallery at 122 Sheriff's Highway, Gateshead, started collecting works by Charlie Rogers a year ago and displays some of them at his premises. Rogers was a self-taught artist and only started painting while recuperating from a sports injury in the 1960s at the age of 34.
Many of his paintings depict areas of Gateshead and Newcastle that have since been demolished. His works provide a fascinating historical record of streets, back lanes and buildings that we will never see again, such as the Avenue Bowling Pavilion that was destroyed by arsonists in 2022.
Charlie Rogers was a close friend of famous County Durham artist Norman Cornish, although the latter was 15 years older. The two produced sketches of each other and collaborated on at least one known piece. Brian's research is still uncovering new facts about Rogers' life and work. Local councillors recently visited Come View My Art Gallery and agree with Brian that Charlie has largely gone unrecognised and his work should be promoted, especially among the younger generations of Low Fell and Bensham.
"Some people have called Charlie Rogers Gateshead's very own Lowry because of the quality and subject matter of his work", says Brian. "We need to ensure his legacy is never lost."
Examples of Charlie's work can be seen at the gallery.
Come View My Art Gallery, 122 Sheriff’s Highway, Gateshead, NE9 5SD.
Brian is happy to talk to groups and can be contacted by clicking here.
Friends of Saltwell Park and Brian Rankin are working together to preserve the legacy of Charlie Rogers.
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